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Helping Families Say Goodbye From the Comfort of Home

At Pets at Rest, we perform in-home pet euthanasia services throughout the majority of the greater Phoenix area. Saying goodbye to your pet from the comfort of your own home makes the entire process easier to process for you and peaceful for your pet. It is also invaluable for your other pets. Their friends don’t just disappear. When other pets are in the home, they understand what has happened with their friend who has passed. This understanding allows them to have peace and prevents the anxiety that may occur when their friends leave the home and never returns. You don’t have to get your pet in the car and drive to the vet. You don’t have to go out in public and drive home. All of you are in your private space and can process things in your own way without others observing, questioning, and wondering what has happened.

We can also help if your pet has already passed. We offer post-life aftercare and removal. We will come to your home, pick up your pet and make the arrangements for your pet to be cared for after they have passed. These post-life services don’t need to be hard on you. We strive to let you focus on dealing with the emotions surrounding your pet’s passing while we handle everything else. Please call for these services as well to expedite how quickly we can get to your home and help.

Euthanasia Services

When it comes time to say goodbye to a pet, Pets at Rest has a variety of at-home pet euthanasia services to help make your pet’s passing a private matter. Your pet will be given a first medication to assure they are unconscious/anesthetized prior to a second medication that will allow him/her to pass quietly and peacefully. Our services vary depending on the level of involvement you would like and the level of post-life care necessary.

All Euthanasia and Post Care Services offer a free hair clipping upon request and Paw Prints are available.

  • At-home euthanasia only (you keep your pet) – $400.00
  • Euthanasia with cremation (ashes not returned) –$460.00
  • Euthanasia with INDIVIDUAL cremation and ashes returned in Wood Box Urn – $560.00
  • Euthanasia with PRIVATE cremation with ashes returned in Wood Box Urn  (only pet in entire crematory) – $660
  • Individual Cremation means your pet is separated by a partition from others and we ensure only your pet’s remains are returned.
  • Private Cremation means your pet is the only pet in a cremation chamber and we ensure only your pet’s remains are returned.
  • PLEASE NOTE.  Some other in home services are stating private/individual interchangeably which is confusing for the pet owner, especially when discussing aquacremation.  Feel free to call for further explanation.

Paw Prints

The first Paw Print is available for $35 and shown below. You will be given the option from Lasting Paws unless you request otherwise.

Extra Paw Prints are available for $30 and $60 depending on which option you prefer.  The two options are shown below.  You may have as many Paw Prints as you want.  Just let Dr. Collins know at the appointment or call/text her your wishes at 480-584-1874.

Lasting Paw Clay Paw Print shown above with pet’s name.


Paw Print Blackbox


Your pets remains will be returned in the Wood Box Urn unless you request otherwise (included in the base fee).  Please let Dr. Kelly Collins know at the appointment or call/text her at 480-584-1874 if you wish something other than the Wood Box Urn.

pets_handcarved_rosewood urn

Alternatively, you can select an urn and/or memorial product from the link below. Please let Dr. Kelly Collins know at the appointment time or call/text at 480-584-1874 ahead of time what you would like.

Post Life Care

When your pet passes, the uncomfortable question arises of what to do with it. In order to remove the burden of post-life care from grieving families, Pets at Rest offers post-life care for pets. We can do this in combination with our pet euthanasia services or for a pet that has already passed. When you start thinking about saying goodbye to your pet, don’t let removal and cremation be an additional stress. We are here to help.

  • Pet pick-up with cremation – $280
  • Pet pick-up with individual cremation – $380
  • Pet pick-up with private cremation – $480

Quality of Life Evaluation

  • Phone consults $50
  • In-Home Quality of Life Evaluation $250 (reduced to $100 if further services required that same appointment)
woman hugging her dog

Additional Large Dog Fees

Large Dogs

  • 75-85 pounds – $25
  • 85-100 pounds – $50
  • 100-120 pounds – $75
  • 120-140 pounds – $100
  • Above 140 pounds – individual arrangements required.
woman cuddling with her dog

Additional Distance Fees

Distant Fees (centered at Scottsdale Road and 101).

No distant fees in east valley north or west of 202 and east of I-10

    • Greater than 30 miles – $25 may apply
    • Greater than 40 miles – $50 may apply
    • Greater than 50 Miles including town of Maricopa, Gold Canyon, San Tan, Buckeye – $75.
brown and white pup

Fees for Late Day, Nights, Weekend, Emergency, Holidays

  • Late day fees – $50 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday
  • Weekend Fees – $50 from 8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. and $100 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Emergency, Holiday Fees and Nighttime after 7 p.m. – $150 and up

Schedule an Appointment With Us

If you believe that it is time to give your pet a compassionate end-of-life experience, Pets at Rest is here to help make it as peaceful as possible. From our euthanasia services to our post-life care, we have a team of qualified and experienced experts to help you through this trying time. We welcome any questions as well. AFTER A TIME IS ARRANGED WITH US, you can go to Schedule an Appointment to make an appointment on your own.


Please see FAQ for cancellation policy

We’re Here for You